In the heart of New York, where history intertwines with modernity, a couple embarked on a mission to breathe new life into a historic building, transforming it into a vibrant, Gen-Z/Millennial-focused hotel. This UX project aims to create a brand identity that would resonate deeply with a younger demographic, encapsulating the rich history, dynamic culture, and adventurous spirit of New York City. Our goal was to design an identity that celebrated the essence of New York, appealing to enthusiasts of adventure, gastronomy, and creativity through unconventional design, local artwork, and Instagram-worthy experiences.
I utilized design thinking and ideation methods to formulate an unconventional design approach, steering away from traditional corporate aesthetics. By conducting extensive research to understand the preferences and behaviors of our target audience, I coined the name "Elysian" for the Hotel, coming from the Greek mythological paradise, Elysian Fields. This evokes a sense of utopia, aligning with our target audience's needs, and fostering a cohesive and harmonious environment.
When reviewing the project brief, I realized that creating an engaging environment with innovative technology, interactive spaces, and visually appealing aesthetics was crucial. Additionally, connecting with content creators, incorporating pop culture, and avoiding tech clichés were key priorities to resonate with the Gen-Z/Millennial demographic.
Therefore, my focus was on designing a brand voice that is slightly irreverent, Bold, and Stylish, mirroring the spirit of our youthful and adventurous target audience, and meeting the client's requests for unconventional, contemporary design concepts. Utilizing the Design Thinking process, I went on to ideate the brand's concepts, integrating elements of current trends, and internet lingo, while ensuring flexibility for print, digital, and environmental applications.
I then began sketching concepts for what the general layout of the site may look like. I tried to envision the final concept while staying true to the project brief and persona.
I began refining the style for the project so that I could successfully establish a cohesive and recognizable identity for the project:
I then began working on a digital wireframe, planning out all the important functions and features, and trying my best to make them accessible to our diverse potential audience.
I put that wireframe through a series of user tests, and gathered feedback, continuously refining the experience to better meet the needs and preferences of our audience and to make it more intuitive and efficient.
After getting some feedback I decided to rework the project to better showcase the brand’s values. I re-designed the classic hotel elements and extra set, enhancing its appeal to our target audience who value authenticity, unique experiences, and a sense of adventure.
Lastly, I created new user-cases for the updated branding and web design. I went with a wine menu, social media posts, and billboards. Overall I had a lot of fun during the project, and learned so much! I especially enjoyed learning more about brand cohesion, creating rules for the brand's voice, and keeping everything aligned with those rules.